
Testimonial #3

I’m from New London Community in Makeni, Bombali district. I’m a member of the Anti-FGM Husband’s Club. This club was introduced to us by Girl Child Network with the help of FAHP. We as husbands are here to support our women to put an end to FGM. FGM to our understanding is damaging to our women and girls. But Bondo is good because it is part of our culture and it preserves our good traditions. It supports the Alternative Rite of Passage of women and girls without being cut. We are against the cutting of women and girls but we support the Bondo culture because it is our tradition. The Husband’s Club has a role to play in all of these because if our women and girls are initiated, we will be responsible for the expenditure that comes with it. If we desist from funding this practice, there is no way they will engage in it. That’s why I joined the Husband’s Club to discuss and mobilize with other men to discourage our women and girls from engaging in the practice. If we use these funds to educate our children, it will benefit society as a whole.

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