I’m from Moyamba and a member of the Anti-FGM Mother’s Club. They have educated us about the harmful effects of FGM and we are now raising awareness among our fellow Soweis to discourage the FGM practice. The Bondo Society is where we bond as women and also train our daughters to do domestic chores, sing, dance and take care of their marital home. A big thank you to Moyamba district for abandoning the practice. FGM has had a negative impact on our girls ’wellbeing. The Bondo has been a place where we resolve issues as women. When our girls are married off young, there are things they do not know about motherhood. When we force our daughters into early marriage, they end up suffering in the home because it is not of their free will. It depresses them to the point of death. We thank Grace Foundation for educating and sensitizing us.